Friday, May 24, 2013

Happy Birthday Brett

For the next two weeks everything was wonderful.  We had lots of visitors and so many wonderful gifts.  He was outfitted like no one would believe!  To say this baby was a blessing would be an understatement.  

In his third week we noticed he wasn't eating, feverish and just fussy.  We called the doctor, made and appointment and took him in.  When his pediatrician came in she examined him thoroughly and then took our breath away by telling us she was sending him to the hospital.  What!?   She told us to go straight there.  When we arrived they were waiting for us in the NICU.  Seems the fetal monitor that had saved his life, had also caused an infection.  Since his birth the lymph nodes had taken care of this infection and now, they were overloaded and they were infected.  

Once again my baby was fighting for his life.  This was all too much.  He was put on an IV - and for me to hold him the nurse had to lay him on a pillow and hand him to me so I would not interfere with the lines.

Overwhelmed and scared we stayed in that room right by the nurses station for a week.  He was monitored around the clock.  We barely left his side.  Family would relieve us but I was afraid to go too far.  

Then, to our joy and relief he improved.  He fought and won, yet again.  Everyone said, "God has a plan for this baby,"  He pediatrician told me later that she didn't want to let on how very sick he was.  Once again we got to take our baby home.  This time it was for keeps.

He has a scar on the back of his head from that monitor.  When he was small other children would ask him about it and it really bothered him.  Finally, I told him to tell them it was a battle scar.  It truly was.  It is ironic, had it not been for the monitor when I was in labor he would have died and because of the monitor after he was born he almost died.  It really is proof that he was in the fight of his life.

We never looked back after that.  We have had more fun with him than words can express.  It was always the three of us - him, his dad and me.  Beach trips, Disney, parties, cruises, coached by his dad in sports, pets, accomplishments, awards, friends, first truck, first love to true love, first house, wedding.  It has been quite a ride watching him grow into the man he is now.

My son, is the best of me.  He grew up with a kind heart and a gentle spirit.  He always seemed like an old soul.  People would stop me just to talk to him wherever we went when he was little.  He respects people, he works hard at everything he does.  This son of mine who was spared twice has given our family a life of happiness, laughter, silliness, memories and love.

He is the handsome, strong man in the photo with me.  Happy Birthday Brett.  "I'll love you forever.


  1. I just read this for the first time (can you tell I'm a little behind on reading?). I am in tears. This is so very sweet and a true testiment to what wonderful parents you and Tommy have always been. You did a wonderful job at raising such a wonderful man. He has always been everything you described him as and continues to be as a husband. We have you two to thank for that for raising such a wonderful man and for setting a wonderful example with your faith! Yall have given fine examples to follow! Love you both! :-)
