Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pulling Weeds

It is a beautiful spring day here.  Pollen isn't even bothering me!  I love a day when it is cool in the morning and the sun comes out and warms the day just enough.  The birds are very busy as they are nesting.  My bluebird is flying in and out of the nesting box.  I have a new container of meal worms for them so they will be thrilled!

I have spent the morning doing little things - sweeping the porch, planting a new basil, and doing some yard maintenance by pulling weeds.  That is not my favorite task but as I was pulling it occurred to me that it is a great time for devotion and prayer.  I had thoughts of friends and family running through my mind and I always think if God puts someone on your mind, then say a prayer for them.  It doesn't have to be long.  Sometimes I just speak their name or silently lift them up.  However you pray, it is a good time to do it when pulling weeds!  It reminded me of throwing out things that burden us, getting rid of things that clutter our lives.  With every weed it is like saying goodbye to something that hinders me.  I have a new perspective on weeding my yard and I think I like it. (not the weeding so much but the new outlook.)  If I can find anything to use in my yard that is natural and works then I am for it.  So, for the areas of weeds that are too much for you to do by hand, I recommend using vinegar as a weed killer.  I am attaching a link to the website for the recipe.​vinegar-weed-killer.html

I bought a new birdbath yesterday and that will be fun to watch as they dunk and bathe in that.  But this morning as I was back washing the pool and the water ran down my yard I noticed the birds were taking full advantage of having it!  Several of them were splashing in the run off.  Just that act of me cleaning the pool provided them with the water to drink and bathe in.  It made me smile to watch them.

My dogwoods are in full bloom, the azaleas are open and several of the trees in my yard are flowering.  Spring is officially here and I love it. It is that time of year when winter is behind us and we are easing our way to summer!  The photo below is of my Indian Hawthorne which is in full bloom and a very busy bee.  Which reminds me, there is really no way to convince a curious beagle that they should not be playing with the bees.  While they may think they have the upper hand, the bee will sting sooner or later!

I went to the local nursery yesterday and just wandered the aisles and looked at all the flowers and herbs.  It inspires me to come home and take stock of my yard and see what I want to add this year.  I will be making a buying trip soon!

But for now, I will go pull some more weeds and ready my garden for those wonderful new items that will soon be planted.  Preparing the garden is vital and that is on my to do list. Planting a garden is such fun and good therapy.  My grandmother always said not to plant the garden before Good Friday - being a southern woman I adhere to what she told me, because we were taught to do what our mother's and grandmother's said.  Enjoy your day!

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