Thursday, March 15, 2012

Family Gallery

FAMILY.  That is a strong word.  It means something different to everyone.  It can be a mom and dad with child or children, it can be brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, cousins, aunts and uncles and grandparents.  Or, it might mean your circle of friends who have become your family.  Sometimes family is not blood relations but heart relations.

Whatever it means to you, and however you define it family is important.  Everyone has photos of family.  They might be aged black and whites of loved ones long gone, or portraits of your children that chronicle their days as infants, toddlers, young children and teens.  Wedding photos and candid shots from good times together.

Take these photos and make a gallery.  Find an empty wall in your home or for that matter, empty one!  It doesn't have to be a large space.  That is the great thing.  The wall is your canvas and can be anything you want it to be.  

Think about where you will enjoy it the most - down a staircase, in the living room, down a long hallway.  Do you want to use all black and white photos, all color or a mix of both.  Shelves can be incorporated to lean photos on or maybe a memento that speaks to one of the photographs.  Use your family initial.  These are readily available at craft stores in a variety of sizes.  You can purchase wood, plastic or even cardboard initials and paint, stain or decoupage it.  If you decide to decoupage the initial cover it with words from a wedding program, a copy of birth certificates, wedding license or diploma.  Or even copies of photographs.

It is fun when you start putting it all together.  You go through photos you may not have thought about in years and they bring back memories.  A walk in your past as you pick and choose your images.  So many photos are on our computers now that it is easy to order prints, enlargements and edit them.

This is my gallery I finished today.  It makes me smile to look at it and I think that means it is a success!
I framed all the photos myself and bought most of them at Michaels.  Seeing what others had done inspired me to make this gallery and I hope you too will be inspired to do this.

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