Yesterday I got to pick blueberries and figs at my cousins property. When I was invited this past week I jumped at the opportunity!
What is it about standing in the hot sun, swatting bugs and dodging the thorny branches that is sheer joy? My husband, my cousin and I were all picking and talking and reminiscing about my aunt (his grandmother) that passed away last week. He had photos to show me, I had stories to tell him and all the time we were picking blueberries. Before we knew it we had two huge containers full. Then he said I should go pick figs - and me not being one to argue did just that! They are ripe and sweet and I love them.
Tomorrow I will make blueberry jam and possibly something decadent with my figs - I am thinking a balsamic syrup. How wonderful will that be with blue cheese and walnuts in the fall!! Think I just made myself drool a little!
It is wonderful to enjoy the bounty of God's earth. It is good to spend time with family - I cannot stress that enough. The two are intertwined you know. God gives us family to love, to share our lives with. Sometimes we lose the connection and sometimes something brings us all back together - my aunt did that. I can see her smiling now and being right happy with herself for doing just that.
My mother is now the "matriarch" of this Southern Family and I pray it is a title she holds for many years to come. We are planning a dinner and reunion of sorts in the fall. That would please my aunt and my grandmother. Everyone will "bring a dish" and we will eat together, look at old photos that have long been forgotten and we will most assuredly enjoy something sweet ... some of it made with blueberries.
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